I can only imagine what was going through Scoobs’ mind as we were walking out of the shelter. I can tell you for certain one thing, there was no way in hell he was going to get into my car. There I am, in the parking lot, asking the dog to get into the car, who doesn’t really know his name yet, and he won’t jump in. I am thinking for sure they are going to come back out and get him. Thankfully, the volunteers who introduced us to Scoobs were outside walking another dog and she told me that when she put him in the car, she had to lift him. Ah…got it. So Scoobs is finally in the car and we are on our way home. First we need to stop at my ex husband’s house because he and his wife have graciously decided to watch Scoobs for us while we went away to Colorado. This was offered before we knew we were getting him. I had some concerns on how this would be for him but seeing as though the shelter told me that taking him home and then boarding him while were away was a better option than the shelter, I felt like we were ok. This was all contingent on Scoobs getting along with their dog. Did I have a back up plan if this didn’t work? No not really. THANKFULLY the dogs got along great. My daughter was off to dinner with them so I was flying solo on bringing Scoobs home. Now I clearly remember bringing my daughter home and feeling somewhat scared and clueless but this was a bit different. I had no idea what to expect. I had no idea truly what kind of dog he is or what happened to him. As soon as we got home I kept him on the leash and let him explore, which he did a lot of. Then I gave him some food and showed him his blankets, crate, and toys. As I was making myself some dinner he decided to park in the kitchen with me and lay on the floor.
I thought it would be fun to take him for a walk. We did a loop around the neighborhood and all seemed to be going well. I was thinking, ok maybe I got this. Then we were walking and there was a dog running around the neighborhood without its owner and didn't have a collar or a leash. I start to panic because I know Scoobs will want to play with him but I have NO clue what this dog is like. Fortunately one of my neighbors was outside, knew of this dog and called its name to go away. Eventually the owner came out and brought him back inside. I was talking to my neighbor for a bit and then went back to the house. It happened to be recycle day so I thought, ok, I will bring up the recycle can from the street. BAD CHOICE. Scoobs started FREAKING out. I kept moving which was not the best idea and he wiggled out of his collar and started to run away from me. OMG! So here I am running through the streets of my neighborhood calling for a dog who has only known his name for 2 weeks. He of course keeps running. Finally, he stopped, I walked calmly towards him and he sat and let me put on his collar. As I have told this story others have told me their dog feels the same way. So maybe this story can help you. My next item of business was to give him a bath, I wanted to wash the shelter off of him. To my surprise he just stood in the bath and let me wash him. After all of this fun, I was exhausted. He went right into his crate and we went to bed. It was this night that I realized I needed to start writing all of this down, because I had a feeling this would be the first of many hilarious Scoobs adventures!
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