I am going to interrupt the recent posts about Scoobs to talk about my ski trip last month to Breckenridge Colorado where my sister and I came up with a list of not so sexy things about skiing. Not to forget about Scoobs, we left for this trip 2 days after we brought Scoobs home. I was so relieved that my ex husband stepped up and watched him for me so we could get Scoobs and still go on our trip. I'm not gonna lie, getting on that plane was a little harder than I thought it would be. But Scoobs did great with them and to my surprise was thrilled to see me when I got back.
Ok, back to skiing. Here is my list:
1. Sexy: Wearing long underwear under your ski stuff to stay warm while on the slopes.
Not Sexy: How you look when you are only wearing your long underwear.
2. Sexy: The cute guy who looked like Chad Smith and was so sweet fitting my daughter, niece, and nephew in their ski boots. see pic below. :-)
Not Sexy: Walking in Ski Boots. I mean seriously, I tried, there is nothing sexy about walking in those things, even when you unbuckle the top straps.
3. Sexy: Rocking a Ski Helmet on the slopes. Smart is the new sexy on this, and no worries, your sexy sunglasses still look great with the helmet.
Not Sexy: Well not wearing a helmet. I am shocked that people not wearing helmets is the minority these days.

4. Sexy: The view of the mountains as you are riding up the ski lift.
Not Sexy: Trying to get off of the ski lift, falling, and having the ski lift worker pick your pathetic butt up before the next group gets off. Ski Lifts = my nemesis!
5. Sexy: Ski Instructors teaching kids how to ski.
Not Sexy: Trying to teach your own kid how to ski. I don't recommend this.
6. Sexy: The view from 10,000 feet.
Not Sexy: Altitude sickness. Seriously I might be more of an ocean girl than a mountain girl

and Finally:
7. Sexy: Totally rocking a challenging Blue Trail.
Not Sexy: Not so gracefully falling and eating a mouthful of snow when you get to the easiest part of the trail and then blaming it on your son. Oh I wish I had that on camera! (Thanks for the laugh on that one sis!)
Overall the trip was fantastic, it was great to spend quality time with my family and it was awesome watching my daughter learn how to ski for the first time! Colorado is beautiful, if the altitude and I got along better I would consider moving out there some day. What can I say, I am sucker for those colorado guys in their plaid shirts, scruffy beards, and North Face Jackets. Now that is sexy!