Wow I can't believe it has been almost two weeks since my last post. Time really goes by fast! So let me take you back a little. The night of Game 5 of the World Series I received a phone call from my father at 5:20 informing me that my aunt was in the hospital and that he would be unable to attend Game 5 and was giving me the tickets. I was filled with such a mixture of emotion, while I was excited to get to go the game, I did not like the reason why I was going to the game. On top of all of that, earlier that day I found out I got laid off and my last day was Friday of that week. So with mixed emotions I tried to put it all behind me and enjoy the game. That night I was joined at the game by two of my cousins who also got a last minute call from my uncle. The three of us all shared a mutual feeling of excitement to be at the game, but sadness as to the reason. The game was AWESOME, until the rain really started to come down. In my rush to change some of plans and get out the door, the last thing I thought to do was check the weather forecast. I was prepared for cold weather but not rain. So we sat in the rain and waited for them to call it. It was actually really miserable, because the rain seemed to be coming at you from every angle. We actually quoted the scene from Forrest Gump where he talks all the different kinds of rain! When they finally put the cover on the field I was relieved to finally get some warmth. We didn't want to leave our seats in case we missed anything!! We had a feeling that the game was going to get called since the weather forecast showed rain for the rest of the night. There was a part of me that was relieved when it was called because I thought that my dad would have the chance to see the Phil's win! But when Wednesday rolled around, he was still unable to leave the hospital so I got to go to World Series Game 5 - Part 2. So this time around it was still me and my cousin but his daughter and my other cousin joined us! I was happy to be there with my family, it felt right. It was such a strange experience to be there since the game picked right up where it left off and was only 3 innings. I didn't realize what was happening until someone more out and we win the World Series. Then it hit me! I was going to part of history! It sort of felt anti-climatic in a way because usually you have 9 innings to build up your suspense, making that last out even more memorable. But it was still amazing. Being in the building for that win was unreal, I don't even know how to describe it really. Underneath all of the excitement I wished my dad had been there. My dad has been a season ticket holder since before I was even born and has been waiting just as long as everyone else to see the Phil's win a championship. But I know that if he couldn't be there, he would want one of his kids to be. As I was leaving the stadium, I was freaking out a bit. I was by myself and the people were just going crazy. There were cars just parked near the stadium and they were blasting music and drinking, running up to people's cars, and I just kept saying to myself..."There is no place like Jersey!" Had I not been by myself I probably would not have been so scared! I made sure to buy my dad some World Series gear and called him from the stadium so he could hear some of the excitement! I did not go the parade since it was unfortunately my last day at work and I had a lot things to transition and had to turn in my computer. I heard that parade was amazing and the total number of people completely exceeded expectations. You think?? Philly sports fans are crazy!
So now that I am unemployed, what am I doing? Well not working is definitely interesting. I have spent the last week catching up on stuff with the house that I have been putting off. I am surprised that I have been more busy since I have been home than I was when I was working! I, of course, have been looking for jobs but the job market is not looking to promising these days. I have severance until the end of January but that really does not leave too much time to find a job. I definitely have been brainstorming about some new ideas for Purplelicious so keep checking the shop or here to see what is new!! I will most likely blog about all of the new stuff since I have some extra time on my hands these days! So keep checking the shop and here for the latest and greatest! I am exhausted just writing this post!!! I am off to try and enjoy the rest of my Sunday before my 2nd super busy non work week begins!
Hi there how are you? I was looking through your blog and found it interesting and wanted to leave you a comment.
ReplyDeleteI have an ivitation for you to come and visit my art blog here in San Diego, and comment if you will.
I think that you may enjoy the various labels and music videos I design for my art blog, hope to see you here soon and take care :)