We started the day with a trip to the movies. We went to see A Christmas Carol in 3D of course. I thought the movie was very well done, the actors did a great job, and the 3D effects were really awesome. But it was kind of dark and Bella was scared for most of it. I could feel her shaking at some points. During the movie I felt bad for taking her but at the end when I asked her if she liked it, she said she really did. She was surprised that I was surprised by her response. I guess if she liked it then that is all that matters!

Then it was time for me to get cooking. Bella requested that I make turkey for Thanksgiving. Now I was not even sure if she would like it but I made it anyway. I bought a little 7lbs turkey breast and made us a little turkey dinner. I roasted the turkey with baby carrots and potatoes. Last time I checked she liked carrots and potatoes but all she ate for dinner was a few pieces of turkey and refused to let me put gravy on it. She is SO picky. I can honestly say that she does not take after me when it comes to food! Overall I think our little turkey dinner for two was quite delicious! I can't wait to make my favorite turkey leftover sandwich tomorrow!
We ended the evening with one of my favorite activities to do with her...bake cupcakes! We made devil's food cupcakes. I taught her how to crack eggs tonight and she did one perfect on her own. My little baker prodigy! I decided to make homemade chocolate buttercream icing because I love it. And I remembered that I bought a new large star icing tip that I had not used yet. I LOVE how the icing looks using the bigger tip, they look more professional. They taste so good, I need to find a way to get them out of my house so Bella and I don't eat them all!
As much as I am thankful that I have a great family I can honestly say that I truly enjoyed having a day that celebrating my little family. Sometimes it is nice to take a break from all of the craziness and enjoy the holidays for what they are about, celebrating with the ones we love. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!