LuLaRoe Independent Fashion Retailer, Married with 1 daughter and 2 stepdaughters, Crossfitter, and Overachiever! Join my LuLaRoe VIP Page to get access to all of the amazing pieces in my inventory!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Back to Business
I decided to take some time this week and distract myself from all of the stress that I have been under these days. I typically would turn to eating something I enjoy but I decided to also refocus on weight watchers this week. Then I thought I would go for a run (something else I am trying to get back into) and it helped but for only a little bit. So then it hit me! SEW! Not only do I love making headbands, it is the perfect distraction, it keeps my hands busy (so I won't want to snack) and since I have to concentrate on what I am making, it keeps my head from drifting into the craziness. And the benefits of having fabulous new products to list can only help in the long run, right?? So a couple of nights ago that is what I did. I was working on my 200th sale which happened to be a custom order and then I just kept going. 2 hours later, I had 5 new headband styles sewn and took pictures of some other items left over from the craft show. So I bet you are wondering if it was worth the effort. Well it was! Ever since I have been back to building up Purplicious I have had a sale everyday since and am already half-way towards my August sales goals! So all of you fellow Etsians out there...listen to what they say. If you take the time to work on your items and shop, it will pay off not only financially but for me it really helped me mentally get through the week! So everyone...get going! I know I have a new stack of fabric just begging to made into fabulous accessories so off I go! Happy Crafting Everyone!
Monday, August 11, 2008
200 Sales WooHoo!!!!
I think it is pretty safe to say that I always have a case of the Mondays! You think I would be used to overcoming that Sunday night feeling of dread that the work week is about to start again! Oh well, it was a nice weekend. A change of plans on Friday night left me to have an amazing dinner with my family which included my grandmom's homemade pizza. It was that night that I realized my need for perfection did not come from my father's side after all. My 80-something grandmother was simply pissed that her pizza did not come out the way it usually does. She vowed to never cook it outside of her house again! Now we did not seem to mind because the pizza was absolutely delicious, but I could totally relate to her disappointment. I get that way when something well doesn't come out perfect! Yesterday I pretty much thought the world was ending since it rained and stormed ALL day. It was impossible to even set foot outside, so Bella and I had a lazy Sunday. It was fantastic. I spent the whole day reading a book that I stayed up until 2am last night so I could finish. Thankfully I took that nap yesterday! I know I should have been sewing up a storm and adding new accessories to my etsy shop but getting engrossed in a novel, in comfy clothes, under a blanket in my favorite chair seemed like a better idea. Ok, I have drifted a little..ok alot! Fortunately there were people that spent their rainy Sunday shopping! Last night I got 2 additional sales leaving me needing one more to hit that next milestone. Seeing that final sale this morning was not that big of a surprise since I knew it would be the custom listing I created, but nonetheless, it was my 200th SALE!!! I could not think of a better way to start a Monday and a new work week. I am so grateful to have this business as my distraction from my real job! Not that my real job is all that bad but I definitely can tell you I would much rather spend my days fabric shopping, sewing, and marketing Purplelicious as opposed to staring at spreadsheets all day! Thankfully business has been good to me and now I can ponder how I am going to get to 300 sales to break up the monotony of my work day! Thanks to all of my fabulous friends, family, and customers, without you this would not be possible!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Wanna Get Away???
I cannot believe it is August already. Where did the summer go??? The good news is that there is still a month of summer left and for some people it is vacation time! There is nothing like going on vacation. The excitement, the relaxation, and most importantly the time away from the office! I am a firm believer that you need to be well accessorized while on vacation. After all, you just spent all of that money on those fabulous new vacation clothes and bathing suits why not make them look even better! Hence the motivation behind my Summer Inspired Headbands. I have created a collection of fabulous headbands perfect for a Caribbean cruise, beach vacation, or a week in your own backyard! My headbands are perfect for the beach as they keep your hair looking great despite the elements! I have put a few of the styles in a picture for you below but have many more in my shop. I hope you all enjoy these last few days of summer, I know I will be making every minute of them count!

Sunday, August 3, 2008
A Fabulous Summer!
Clearly I have been having a fairly busy summer since I have been barely blogging. Well I guess that goes with the territory of having just too much going on in one's life. I recently had someone tell me I need to relax more, I am not really sure what that word means but I am hoping this person teaches me a little more about it! In the meantime I will catch you up! The Haddonfield Craft Show was a huge success!!! I met so many fabulous women that loved their shopping experience in my booth! I shared the booth with my sister who just created her Etsy shop called Nicolina Designs. She makes fabulous kids clothing and she did amazing at the show. We received a lot of great compliments about our booth setup and our stuff. So for both of us that was worth the price of admission! We made a pretty decent amount of sales too. We both hope everyone is enjoying their handmade items and don't worry we did our fair share of promoting Etsy too! I definitely over prepared for this show and have a decent amount of inventory left over. What does this mean? Well for you, stay tuned for lots of new accessories to get listed at my Esty Shop and for me, maybe I will get to relax a little since I have rebuilt my shop inventory! Enjoy the pics below and don't forget to check out mine and my sister's Etsy Shops!

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